Say Hello to Chloe!

Where do you currently live?
Are you childfree by-choice or by-circumstance?
If childfree by-choice, what was your biggest influence?
I don’t think I was ever influenced, as I always new from a young age, that I didn’t want any kids. As I’ve grown up and been around other people’s kids, the more its confirmed my choice.
What was your first job?
Corner Shop
What is your occupation now?
Part-time model, and buyer and seller of pop culture merchandise.
What is a typical day like for you?
Lazy morning, currently in lockdown though, so usually I’m getting through the days with tea, and my laptop. In between I do some work online with my eBay business, scheduling posts for my modelling work, sometimes take a walk.
If there were more freedoms, I’d be spending a day in London looking at fashion and art or popping down to Brighton for food with friends.
Do you enjoy any hobbies?
The only hobby I’m still enjoying is my collecting, I’m very into my gaming, comics, film and TV. I love my characters from the things I watch or play, so I’m usually scouring the internet for the latest releases of figures and statues.
I’ve been collecting merchandise for most of my life, and I love to admire and display my items.
Do you have a special talent or skill?
I started drawing at a young age. I did that for about 2o years of my life (mainly portraiture work in sketch). I then moved on to making costumes for cosplay. I’m pretty much self-taught and can make outfits from scratch. I would visit a lot of Comic Conventions where I’d wear my creations. This nicely tied into my modeling work, which I did as well. It was the perfect way to express myself.
I also have a wide knowledge related to the value of merchandise that I buy and sell. I know a lot about Japanese, American, and Chinese Toy makes.
In my spare time I like to cook for my family and friends. I’m lucky enough to have an Italian Mum, who’ve I’ve learnt a lot from!
If you could master a new skill instantly, what would you like to learn to do?
I really want to go back to my drawing days and get good at concept costume design!
What’s an interesting fact about you?
I was on live TV on the One Show on BBC1 wearing one of my costumes. I got to meet Simon Pegg and Nick Frost!
Do you have any “stupid human” tricks?
My party trick is purr like a cat, always get interesting reactions, people find it really cute or really creepy haha!
Are there any accomplishments you want to brag about? (Don’t be modest, we want to know!)
I have made 80 costumes in 10 years.
I have trained to become an expert Barista.
I worked with Nintendo.
I have kissed a dolphin.
What do you enjoy most about the childfree lifestyle?
Freedom and peace mean so much to me, especially as someone who gets bored easily. I want to be able to do things on a whim.
I need quietness for my mental health. I’m a very calm person and kids are nonstop!
Give us your Top Three recommendations for travel destinations that you have visited?
My Mum is Italian, and I’ve had nothing but amazing trips there. The food is to die for!
Is there a travel spot you REALLY want to visit?
For so many years I’ve wanted to visit Japan. I love sushi and the pop culture.
What do you want people who are not childfree to know about this lifestyle?
That you can be fulfilled and complete without kids. Life will always throw you challenges, but not having to worry about another human makes life easier. I feel like it’s a life hack a lot of people never consider.
Boredom is easier to handle than anxiety or stress!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I hope to have found a loving partner, who is happy without children, wants to travel, and have fun.
I’m a big kid, with an intelligent brain, who likes to have to deep chats about anything and everything.
I want my job to be in Concept Costume design for upcoming Star Wars productions.
I also want to own a house by the sea!
Do you want to give a plug for anything?
You can follow my collecting on my insta @Alienqueencollector or my modelling @gagaalienqueen
What is your favorite quote?
“You do not find the happy life. You Make it.” – Camilla Eyring Kimball
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Fly on the Wings of Love – DJ Chuckie