Say Hello to Hannah!

What’s your Childfree Family username?
Where were you born?
Where do you currently live?
Are you childfree by-choice or by-circumstance?
If childfree by-choice, what was your biggest influence?
I don’t know that I was specifically influenced by any person or event. I’ve just always known that I didn’t want children and so I didn’t have them. 🙂
Do you have any pets?
Twp cats: Caesar (Lynx Point) & Layla (Black)
What was your first job?
Picking raspberries for the summer!
What is your occupation now?
A little of this and a little of that.
What is a typical day like for you?
Getting up early, exercise, cooking, obsessive cleaning (because I can’t stand messy things), working, enjoying some fresh air, playing with our cats, running errands, quality time with my husband, texting and updating my social media.
Do you enjoy any hobbies?
Teaching myself new skills.
Hiking mountains.
Spending time with my husband.
Do you have a special talent or skill?
I consider myself a pretty ordinary person…I don’t have any particular skills that stand out from others except that I would consider myself to be a very disciplined person.
If you could master a new skill instantly, what would you like to learn to do?
I’d be a brain surgeon. I mean, seriously. our bodies are wired incredibly well.
What’s an interesting fact about you?
I still drive the first car I ever bought. It’s old with roll down windows and a CD player, but it still works and has great gas mileage. 🙂
Do you have any “stupid human” tricks?
My wrists/thumbs are pretty flexible. I can bend my thumb and touch my arm.
Are there any accomplishments you want to brag about? (Don’t be modest, we want to know!)
I started a YouTube channel knowing absolutely nothing about YT. I’m pretty terrible at “techy” stuff (My husband can vouch for this. He’s an IT Manager and has always done tech stuff for me). I’ve had to teach myself SO much about the inner workings of what goes into starting up a channel and keeping it going. It’s been a very steep learning curve and my channel is still very small, however, I’ve enjoyed the challenge because it’s so different than all the other jobs I’ve done.
What do you enjoy most about the childfree lifestyle?
The flexibility.
Give us your Top Three recommendations for travel destinations that you have visited?
Canada (East coast or West coast are the best parts in my humble opinion.)
Is there a travel spot you REALLY want to visit?
What do you want people who are not childfree to know about this lifestyle?
Having kids is a choice and each person should get to make that choice for themselves. Society often pushes the idea that everyone must be a parent, especially women. It’s OK to decide that being a parent isn’t for you and when someone does make the choice to live a childfree life they shouldn’t be judged for it.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living a life that is fulfilling.
Do you want to give a plug for anything?
YouTube Channel: WifeWithoutKids
Instagram: WifeWithoutKids
I love having new people join the childfree community!
What is your favorite quote?
Intelligent people are always ready to learn.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
I’m still working on that one!