Say Hello to Kimya!

What’s your Childfree Family username?
Where were you born?
Richmond, Virginia (US)
Where do you currently live?
Baltimore, Maryland (US)
Are you childfree by-choice or by-circumstance?
If childfree by-choice, what was your biggest influence?
I conducted the first known study solely with childfree-by-choice people of African descent. The study began 2013. I created and taught the first known college childfree course. I remain connected with childfree-by-choice people of African descent. I have been interviewed for various childfree outlets.
What was your first job?
Kings Dominion amusement park while in High School
What is your occupation now?
Activist, sociologist and criminologist, educator, trainer, founder and owner 365 Diversity.
What is a typical day like for you?
Addressing demographic and cultural variance in everything including being childfree-by-choice.
Do you enjoy any hobbies?
Music & Relaxing
Do you have a special talent or skill?
I’m trained in harp, piano, and singing.
If you could master a new skill instantly, what would you like to learn to do?
More relaxation!
What’s an interesting fact about you?
I am not afraid of the power majority.
Are there any accomplishments you want to brag about? (Don’t be modest, we want to know!)
My entire self.
What do you enjoy most about the childfree lifestyle?
Living life.
Give us your Top Three recommendations for travel destinations that you have visited?
I enjoy an authentic experience. Like the non-tourist parts of Jamaica and others around the world.
Is there a travel spot you REALLY want to visit?
My family after COVID-19.
What do you want people who are not childfree to know about this lifestyle?
To mind their own business which includes not enacting policies and laws that exclude and harm.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Further developing my activism, my business, and supporting my family.
Do you want to give a plug for anything?
My website:
Follow me on Twitter: @365DiveresityLLC
What is your favorite quote?
“Whenever a conscious Black woman raises her voice on issues central to her existence, somebody is going to call her strident, because they don’t want to hear about it, nor us. I refuse to be silenced and I refuse to be trivialized, even if I do not say what I have to say perfectly.” ~ Audre Lorde
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Nikki D – Letting Off Steam