Say Hello to LeNora!

What’s your Childfree Family username?
Where were you born?
Where do you currently live?
Are you childfree by-choice or by-circumstance?
If childfree by-choice, what was your biggest influence?
The idea of freedom!
Do you have any pets?
Pet-free! I only like things that are self-sufficient.
What was your first job?
I started a music lesson business at age 15. It became a full-time job in my first year so I had to attend an alternative high school.
What is your occupation now?
I run a childfree lifestyle brand called The Bitchy Bookkeeper.
What is a typical day like for you?
I wake up at 7 AM and join the Childfree Girls podcast co-host meeting that is usually already in progress. The three of us live in 3 different countries and I’m two hours behind. We collab on the meme for the day and go over any business at hand. Then, I attend to the Bitchy social media.
I get out of bed around 9 to make coffee and shower. Creativity is usually flowing so I work on various childfree projects and content until noon and then eat something.
Casual house chores and grocery shopping if I need it. I live alone so home life is pretty simple.
The afternoon is more podcast-related stuff, reading, emails/messages/comments, and the occasional nap. I take a walk if it’s nice out. Or not.
I’ll put on a movie in the evening and go over the next day’s social media posts. I love to make a 4-course supper for myself. Cooking is fun!
I stay up late writing, either the Childfree Lifestyle newsletter, a blog post, or captions for all the social media ideas I have.
I crawl into bed at whatever time and look forward to doing it all over again!
Do you enjoy any hobbies?
Driving is my fave activity! Solo road trips happen from June through October for me. I don’t camp, I’m a hotel-suite/vacation rental kinda girl. Since the pandemic, I stick to a lake cabin in Shuswap BC. I spend 3 months there, generally. I find creative ways to take new routes. Turning a 6-hour drive into a 12-hour one.
Music has reverted back into a hobby. Rediscovering my love for piano, violin, and learning how to score films.
Do you have a special talent or skill?
I’m a classically trained pianist and violinist. I do love public speaking and entertaining people. My thing is to talk about serious subjects and make them entertaining for my audience.
If you could master a new skill instantly, what would you like to learn to do?
Learning languages! Japanese was the language I took in high school and we had to learn French until 9th grade in Alberta. English the only language I speak, however.
What’s an interesting fact about you?
My left eye is near-sighted and my right eye is far-sighted. I’m also biracial—black dad/white mom.
Do you have any “stupid human” tricks?
I can raise my left eyebrow on command and I can give the Vulcan salute with both hands. I credit my violin skills for that one.
Are there any accomplishments you want to brag about? (Don’t be modest, we want to know!)
The Childfree Girls podcast. This is my first collaboration and it has enhanced my life so much. Working with two other talented childfree women to create something that is well-received in the CF community is so fulfilling. We also have a book, Childfree Girls’ Comfort Food for Thought.
What do you enjoy most about the childfree lifestyle?
I am becoming the person I want to be!
Give us your Top Three recommendations for travel destinations that you have visited?
Alcatraz Prison– San Francisco.
White Rock, British Colombia
Banff National Park, Alberta. ( I live close by.)
Is there a travel spot you REALLY want to visit?
Palm Springs, California! Once the pandemic is over, I’m renting a house with a pool and spending two weeks! Solo, of course.
What do you want people who are not childfree to know about this lifestyle?
There are opportunities of all kinds that you could never imagine for yourself.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Reaching new heights beyond my current comprehension. 5 years ago, I had no idea I’d be doing what I do now.
Do you want to give a plug for anything?
The Bitchy Bookkeeper lifestyle brand
Childfree Girls podcast & web series
(Also on Apple Podcast, Spotify, etc)
The Bitchy Bookkeeper Journal Vol 1 & 2
What is your favorite quote?
My own tagline: ” Childfree, fancy-free, living fully to 95.”
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Glamorous by Fergie
FREE SPACE – Put anything else that you want to share here!
Discovering the childfree community in 2018 has opened so many doors for me and I’m super excited and grateful to be a part of it.