Childfree Family Card Club

Brighten someone's day! Join the program and send cards to other childfree people all over the world. Tell someone "Happy Birthday". Wish them well on an Anniversary. Spread holiday cheer.

We want to make the world a little smaller for the childfree community by spreading goodwill.  Through this program we hope to allow our members to engage with others all over the world through the simple, selfless act of sending a card.

We would like to begin by focusing on childfree seniors.  Particularly those living in retirement/senior homes.  We feel this group is the most deserving of the attention for this project.  Help us let them know that someone is thinking about them.

We will compile a mailing list of childfree people who wish to receive a physical card through the mail.  For privacy considerations, we will have some layers of security in place for those receiving cards.  Further information will be posted to this page as things develop.

It’s two birds with one stone!  You get to do a good deed AND provide an answer to the question we all get as childfree people, “Won’t you be lonely when you’re older?”  This also provides a certain level of anonymity for the recipient as it is not going to a “personal residence”.  We are currently working with Administrators and Marketing Managers in retirement/senior communities to locate residents living there who are childfree.  This staff will distribute the cards sent to the childfree senior.


The sky is the limit here.  It can be as simple as a “Thinking of you” card.  In particular, we would like to let them know that they are not forgotten on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries (if married), and holidays.  Imagine the joy on their face when dozens of cards flood in from all around the world!

Do you know someone who fits the guidelines we are looking for?  Or maybe you know a person who works in a retirement/senior home.  Let us know by sending us their name and contact information HERE or share this page with them.