Thoughts on PBS YouTube Series: Should We Kid or Not? Episode 2
Episode 2 is titled Being Fruitful vs. Being Green: She’s Childfree By Choice – He’s Father to Five Kids. It features a woman and a man. Kelsey is a bi-sexual woman and is the oldest of 5 children from Indiana. Cameron is a Mormon living in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and 5 kids.
This episode can be found here:
What are your thoughts on this episode? Let us know in the comments – consider this is a SPOILER ALERT for those who have not seen the video.
This is a great series to watch between you current binge sessions. Independent Lens is produced by PBS and has put out a series of short Q&A episodes addressing the decision to have kids. The videos are relatively short (under 9 minutes) so there isn’t a heavy time investment.
It feels balanced as the questions come from everyday people and are one-to-one conversations (unless a couple is involved). It is refreshing to see the candor and understanding on both sides of the topic/situation.
Check out our thoughts on the the other episodes in this series: Ep. 1, Ep. 3, Ep. 4, Ep. 5
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